Ella's Farm Blog

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  1. The contractor who shears the sheep came this morning, however we had to wait a while to start clipping because the dew was quite heavy and they needed to dry.

    After the sheep has been sheared the fleece is wrapped up in a roll and then packed into a numbered wool sheet sack.  James labelled the sheets with our producer number and details inside and out then stitched them closed.  Later they were taken to the local wool haulier a couple of miles away.  When he has a full load on his lorry he takes them to the British Wool Marketing Board near Bradford where they are weighed and graded.  We get paid so much money this year and then so much next year when they have sold the wool.

    Here are some photos of a sheep being sheared and Nelson the tup being sheared.

    DSCN7157    DSCN7159

    Here I am wrapping the wool ready to put into the wool sheet sack.

