Ella's Farm Blog

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  1. Last night we sold 28 lambs at Bentham Auction which is around 4 miles from us.  They start selling the lambs at around 6pm.   Before going into the ring the lambs are weighed. Yesterday around 2500 were sold as fat for meat.

    The pictures below are ours in the ring.  The prices are slightly up on last year.

    Back at home the remaining sheep and lambs have been worm and vitamin drenched.  We are still waiting for the shearing contractors to come and shear the sheep, however due to the wet weather they are behind with their work.   After rain they take around 3 - 4 hours to dry out.   The fleeces need to be dry to be wrapped and packed into the wool sheets otherwise they would get mildew on them.

    Auction Sale lambs

    Auction Sale lambs exit ring