Ella's Farm Blog

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  1. The fields have had liquid fertilizer applied early last month, however we need some rain to make the grass grow too!    It hasn't rained for quite a few weeks now.

    The eleven orphan lambs have all been weaned now from the milk feeder, they are eating provin and grass in the field with the other sheep.   All the sheep and lambs now get regular doses of worm drench aswell as a vitamin and mineral drench. They have also been through the foot bath as quite a few had 'scald' which is a sorness between their hooves.

    The farm buidlings have all been cleaned out and disinfected along with the feed barriers and hurdles used for lambing pens.

    This evening I am taking part in the Young Farmers Club district rally at Bentham Auction, where we take part in competitions judging sheep, cakes, horses and cattle.  We have to dress smart with a tie and white judging coat.  I am judging 'Breeding Sheep'.


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