Ella's Farm Blog

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  1. Today all the sheep have been 'showered' to prevent lice, ticks and scab.  The rain held off long enough for their coats to dry - which is around 3-4 hours.

    A contractor comes with a mobile shower and the sheep are placed in it for a few minutes to saturate their wool.  They then are turned into a drainage area for a few minutes and then put back onto the field.   Some farmers use 'plunge' dippers where sheep are put in deep tub and possed under the water and held in it before being released.

    Last night our Young Farmers Club met at our house for a mini-rally competition.  Some brought decorated cakes and decorated bottles to be judged.   There was also judging of breeding sheep, fat lambs, Swiss rolls and shepherd crooks.  A busy night followed by pie and peas, sausage butties and cakes.  


    DSCN7314  DSCN7315

    Sheep Showering

    DSCN7323  DSCN7306

    DSCN7285  Fat lambs for judging (placing in order with reasons)



    DSCN7304  DSCN7300  Some of the decorated bottles

    DSCN7299   Decorated cakes