Ella's Farm Blog

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  1. On the 10th of May all of Burton-in Lonsdale Young Farmers competed at the District Rally doing various events such as the stock judging, tractor handling, handicrafts, land rover handling.  I competed in the Junior Breeding sheep stock judging. This means that  we judge four breeding sheep on things like size, capacity and capabilty of being bred from to make good produce. We individually judge the sheep then we have to write resons on why we placed the Breeding sheep in the order that that we did. You have to stand in front of the Master judge and read your reasons for two minutes; you have to be well dressed in your white coat, tie, and checked shirt. In district rally I got 3rd place and qualified for County Rally which I competed in yesterday at Thirsk.

    To get placed you had to get a good order of the sheep, give good reasons, look the part and look very smart!   I competed against around 30 other Junior Young Farmers judging Lonk breeding sheep. Yesterday I achived 1st place overall throughout the whole of Junior Yorkshire federation of Young farmers judging the Breeding sheep.  This I am very pleased about!  On the 18th of June I will represent The Yorkshire Federation of Young Farmers at Chipping. I am very proud of it!   Another Burton-in-lonsdale member will also be represenitng Yorkshire in the intermediate section for breeding sheep. My Grandad who used to be breed high quality breeding sheep would have being so proud!

    I've just been for a walk around the sheep and they are seeking shade under the tree as the weather is really sunny for a Bank Holiday in Yorkshire.
