Ella's Farm Blog

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  1. This morning we sheared the sheep - they have being getting really hot these past few days!  We brought all the sheep into the barn early this morning ready for the contractor, Barry, to shear them. Once the wool has being clipped it gets rolled up and then placed in a big sheet with other fleeces. The sheets are taken to the local collection point and then onto the North of England Wools depot in Bradford. The process of clipping one sheep is about 1-2 minute so doesn't take long.  The sheep are marked with our blue flock mark across their shoulders and off they go back into the fields along with their lambs. 

    Ths afternoon I bottled the second batch of elderflower cordial so far the elderflowers have had lovely big flowers on they so the cordial had being really strong. I am hoping to get another batch in before the flowers die off! 

    sheep wool     barry and sosocks    sosocks posing

    Fleeces ready to be wrapped.                                                                                                                               We have a picture of that sheep doing the same pose on 

                                                                                                                                                                                    a blog back in 2013