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  1. Our latest purchase is a Suffolk ram (in Yorkshire we call them tups!) My dad and brother bought him at Bentham Auction Mart on Saturday at the 'Ram-Page' sale.. We were originally looking for a Hampshire Down however my dad liked the look of the Suffolks. My dad was stood outside and my brother and his girlfriend started bidding him up.  We got the highest bid and brought him home -my dad was pleased with bidding!  He seems to be settling in very well and has the name Nelson. He is very quiet and you can walk up to him in the field however we are always wary as he is enormous!  I am going to try and get him to eat out of a bucket soon so it is easier to put raddle on his chest in tupping time. 

    Nelson came all the way from Stoke-On-Trent on Saturday morning, so he must have being really hungry by the time he was sold and brought home.  Nelsons brother actually got first prize however, he had already being sold.  Nelson will be introduced to ewes in September ready for some little Suffolk cross Mule lambs- cute! He is like a big gentle giant, a bit like a giant teddy bear!

         Nelson     Nelsons head