Ella's Farm Blog

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  1. Some of the early lambing sheep are due later next week.  We have had two with prolapses so mum has put harnesses on them to stop them pushings and straining them back out.  They have settled down and will have their straps removed today and hopefully go onto lamb OK with a lot of care this year.  

    James and I took part in the district Young Farmers Hedging & Walling yesterday with some craft classes indoors .  James came first place in the senior walling  (he had to rebuild a section of stone wall infront of a judge)  He was so pleased!   I came first in the decorated minirolls in the indoor section for the junior class.   Overall our club - Burton in Lonsdale YFC were the overall winners with the most points.  We were all really pleased!

    Decorated minirolls Feb 2017