Ella's Farm Blog

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  1. We are fortunate that we can enjoy lots of different wildlife here.  This week we have seen a couple of hares. the curlews, roe deer and a heron.  All are regular visitors to the fields and woodland.  One deer who I have named Tracy is a regular visitor to our lawn as you can see from the photo.

    We took another 20 lambs to Bentham Auction on Wednesday, we will receive the payment slip and know how much they made on Monday.  As due to Covid-19 restrictions the auction are still having farmer 'drop and go' with their lambs and cast sheep.  

    Whilst it has been raining I have made some homemade Blackcurrant & Apple jam (using blackcurrants from our own trees) I have also made some cards for friends and family from sheeps wool which I washed and dyed.

    Roe Deer Thornbrook Barn

    Tracy the deer

    Jam 2020  Homemade cards

    Heron at Thornbrook Barn